What’s new pussycat?

“I’ve learned so much from my mistakes, I’m thinking of making a few more.”

Your first reaction might be a smile or chuckle..but I invite you to spend a bit more time with this quip. What’s possible when we don’t have to be accomplished or know how? What’s valuable in trying something new?

At this point in our lives, we’re skilled at a lot of things and the idea of making mistakes or being a beginner might be hard. How many times have we started something new only to abandon it when we could not master it quickly - or not attempt something at all because of a limiting belief that we won’t succeed.

I’m learning tennis and definitely not very good at it (yet)! But it’s a fun activity that gets me moving and laughing with friends, and tests my long-held limiting belief that I’m not good at sports. 

Doing something new and different boosts our sense of adventure and sets us up to approach new challenges with confidence, it stimulates our creativity, adds memories, and helps us learn more about ourself. All great objectives for this time of life.


Creating connections in retirement


Make room for what’s next