Summer jobs
Working a part-time or summer job when we’re younger is a common practice. It helps us get ready for what’s coming next with more information about what we can and want to do. So, how can we adapt that adolescent rite of passage to embrace our new stage of self-discovery and fresh starts in service of our healthy longevity?
How’s it going?
Life is never set-it-and-forget-it, it’s an ongoing design project that is always evolving and best served if we stay curious about what it could look like next. Your well-lived life is a unique and personal journey, shaped by your values, interests and circumstances.
Retirement Options
The concept of retirement is being redefined. Our perception and mindset is changing. The length of time in this stage of life could be 20+ years. Today it’s less about stopping and more about shifting to contributions and activities that are fulfilling. A longer, healthier post-career life is full of potential and it demands some thoughtful planning.
Let’s dance!
One of the cornerstones of the coaching methodology I use is called “Dancing In This Moment”. Not dancing in THE moment but dancing in THIS moment.
Fulfilling pastimes
Hobbies and leisure activities are important to our wellbeing. They relax and balance our life, engage our minds, keep us active and connected to others. It is also important to explore hobbies with fresh eyes as we move through life’s stages.
The space between
A lifetime of working creates a momentum that we need to manage as we shift to a new way of being and contributing in the world when we stop full-time work.
Are you a solo ager?
The number of people aging without a historically traditional support system is increasing and becoming very common.
Stay sharp with purpose-based living
A clear life purpose is more than just feeling fulfilled and satisfied with life, it actually promotes resilience to brain damage caused by aging.
Is it time to write your memoir?
We all have stories and sharing them is is a wonderful way to remember our lives….
Journaling to support wellbeing
There are many health benefits to journaling plus it’s a great way to capture ideas about how you want to live in your next phase of life.
Creating connections in retirement
Harvard’s happiness study reveals that the #1 challenge retirees face is replacing the social connections that supported them at work.
What’s new pussycat?
What’s possible when we don’t have to be accomplished or know how? What’s valuable in trying something new?
Make room for what’s next
Intentionally creating space to embrace life more fully in retirement means clearing out some clutter - physical, emotional, mental and energetic - to make room for something new.
Cultivating a contribution mindset
Stepping into retirement often means stepping away from the work-centered lifestyle we’ve all been used to.