Let’s dance!
One of the cornerstones of the coaching methodology I use is called “Dancing In This Moment”. Not dancing in THE moment but dancing in THIS moment.
The distinction is important because it is specific to now, and helps us stay present with the circumstances we are navigating right now. It’s a collaborative process that acknowledges sometimes we are leading and sometimes other people or circumstances are leading…but we’re always finding a new way forward together.
No matter the style, dancing is a rhythmic way to express emotion and release energy. So when we “dance in this moment” we can respond more gracefully to new and unexpected situations - everything from the mundane (think traffic jam, airport delay, grocery store out of your favorite peanut butter) to the more serious (like a roof leak, relationship bobble, unexpected diagnosis).
Whether we are dancing by ourselves or with others, moving into a new phase of life after leaving a long career means that now more than ever we have to put on our dancing shoes (or kick off our shoes, if you prefer barefoot) and be ready to dance with what comes up.
Remember…dancing IS for everyone, at any age. You DO know how to dance. You don’t need a partner. You will NOT look “stupid”.