Are you a solo ager?

You might be a solo ager if you are an individual or couple without children, if you are living alone because of a divorce or the death of your partner, or if your family lives far away or is estranged. 

And, you are part of a growing community in our country! 

The number of people aging without a historically traditional support system is increasing and becoming very common. However, it does require planning and preparation. If you’re a solo ager here are some tips to get started in creating a plan to maintain choice, independence and satisfaction in your life:

Create a board of expert advisors

  • Legal and financial - estate planning and legacy planning advice

  • Healthcare - medical directives and advocates  

  • Residence - home renovations or changes to where/how you’re living that allow you tho age in place

Create a caregiving team (before you need them)

  • Community of support - friends, family of origin &/or choice, others

  • Professional caregiving resources

  • Healthcare - long-term healthcare options

While solo aging may present its own set of challenges, it also offers opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. With independence comes the freedom to pursue passions, travel, and engage in activities that bring joy. By creating a plan built with resources and support systems tailored to our individual needs, we can embrace solo aging and navigate this stage of life with confidence.


The space between


Stay sharp with purpose-based living